IT support
Every student and employee of AWF Katowice has the opportunity to use the Statistica license, which is renewed every year at the turn of February and March. In order to install this software, an electronic application must be submitted and sent to the Department of IT, Scientific and Research Apparatus.
An e-mail account is created at the employee's request, which can be completed electronically. You can also create an e-mail account for the project, conference. A scan of the application should be sent to one of the system administrators:
- Dominik Gołaszewski
- Marcin Warczyk
The most common e-mail account is without Polish characters in the form:
The business e-mail account can be operated directly via the website: or via an appropriately configured e-mail program. Below is the configuration for e-mail programs:
Outgoing SMTP mail
SMTP server address:
587 TLS
Incoming IMAP mail
IMAP server address:
143 TLS
Incoming POP3 mail
POP3 server address:
110 TLS
Students of the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice have e-mail accounts in the Microsoft365 service. The domain address is Accounts allow you to use e-mail but also applications such as MS Teams, OneDrive, MS Forms and other solutions offered by the Microsoft365 platform. This account is also required to use the Moodle remote learning platform.
If you have forgotten your password and want to reset it or you want to report a bug or change your data in the system, contact the administrator via e-mail:
Microsoft356 (Teams, Outlook)
Each employee and student can set up a university account in the Microsoft365 service. Thanks to this, you can use applications such as:
- MS Outlook,
- MS Teams,
- OneDrive,
- others…
If you want to log in to your profile in a web browser in order to have access to all applications, use the link:
If you are a student or employee and you want to create a new account or you do not remember your password and want to reset it or you want to report a bug or change your data in the system, contact the administrator via e-mail:
If you have suggestions about one of the AWF Katowice portals, would like to report a problem or propose a solution, please contact the administrator using the e-mail address:
Every student and employee of AWF Katowice can set up an account in the Moodle AWF Katowice system. Previously, it is required to have a Microsoft365 academic account in the domain because only accounts with an e-mail address in this domain and in the domain for employees, i.e., are acceptable when creating an account in the Moodle system. If you do not have an account in the Moodle system yet, you can create one here:
If you have forgotten your password, you can use the password recovery option:
The password recovery link is sent:
- in the case of an employee, to the postal address in the domain, -
- in the case of a student, to the postal address in the domain. Therefore, the student should log in to the MS Outlook application at to receive information from the Moodle system.
Any problems or questions can be reported to the system administrator
or to the head of the Center for Remote Learning
If you want to report a problem or ask a question, write to the administrator:
University employees can connect their laptops or mobile devices to the employee wireless network PracownicyWifi, using the CAS login data, i.e. the same as for the USOSweb system. Students can also connect their laptops or mobile devices to the student wireless StudenciWifi network, using the CAS login details, i.e. the same as for the USOSweb system.